Réseau d'expert-es
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
Compétence clé en science des données
- Humanités numériques
Autres compétences / expertises
- Histoire du numérique - History of Digital approaches
- Critique et philosophie du numérique - Critique and Philosophy of the Digital Age
- Numérique et Art contemporain - Digital Cultures in Contemporay Art
- Data Curation for the Humanities
- Historical Data Analysis
- Spatio-temporal Analysis (GIS)
- Volunteer and Contributive Data Retrieval
- Data Retrieval Automation
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel is full Professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, as chair for Digital Humanities (dh.unige.ch). She leads the FNS Project Visual Contagions; and the IMAGO Centre at the École Normale Supérieure, a center dedicated to teaching, research and creation on the circulation of images in Europe (www.imago.ens.fr). In 2009, Joyeux-Prunel founded Artl@s (https://artlas.huma-num.fr), a platform that federates several international research projects on the globalization of art and images and digital approaches. She works on the social and global history of modern art, on visual globalization, the Digital Humanities, and the visual history of petroleum. Among her publications : Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (ed.) with the collaboration of Luc Sigalo-Santos, L’art et la mesure. Histoire de l’art et méthodes quantitatives: sources, outils, bonnes pratiques (ed. Rue d’Ulm, 2010); Catherine Dossin, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (ed.), Circulations in the Global History of a Art (Routledge, 2015). And as sole author : Les avant-gardes artistiques – une histoire transnationale 1848-1918 (Gallimard Folio histoire pocket series, 2016) ; Les avant-gardes artistiques – une histoire transnationale 1918-1945 (Gallimard Folio histoire pocket series, 2017) ; and Naissance de l’art contemporain (1945-1970) – Une histoire mondiale (Editions du CNRS, 2021).
- Artl@s - Digital Sources and Tools for a Global and Social Art History
- Postdigital- les cultures numériques au prisme de l'art contemporain
- Visual Contagions - How Images Contributed to Cultural Globalization, 19th-21th C (FNS 2021-2025)
- IMAGO - centre d'excellence Européen Jean Monnet - on the Development of an European Culture Through Images, 19th-21th c. (Erasmus-ERC 2019-2022)