Data Science Impulse

Created to promote interdisciplinary exchanges and collaboration around data management and processing, the Data Science Competence Center (CCSD) at the University of Geneva intends to lead, each year, a collective reflection on a particular theme. In this perspective, the Scientific Computing Support (SciCoS) has joined the Data Science Impulse initiative to offer its expertise in scientific computing, to support researchers in the development of innovative methods.
For 2022-2023, the theme chosen by the Center is “Promises of Artificial Intelligence: An Interdisciplinary Revolution”. It aims at exploring artificial intelligence and its various scientific applications.
In order to support this reflection, the CCSD and the SciCoS are conjointly launching the "Data Science Impulse" grant, intended to support the development of a project led by an interdisciplinary team of UNIGE researchers, on the theme of the year. This impulse grant, in the amount of CHF 20,000.- (in scientific computing support) , aims to support the maturation or consolidation of a project, with a view to its future submission to other Swiss or international research funding programs.
You can find the call for projects below.
Deadline for submitting applications: November 30, 2022, midnight, using the form below. Send it to
Contact: Dr.